About the Recipe
There is a lot of associated lingo with V60 that can make it intimidating - Rinsing, Blooming, Dripping and many more. Don't let it put you off, this brewing method has become massively popular in recent years, for a good reason. It makes great coffee.

What you need
Good coffee beans
Hario V60 dripper
Hario Filter
Hario Server (optional)
Hot water kettle
Boiled water - 200 ml for 1 Cup / 400 ml for 2 Cups​
Ground coffee - medium coarse - 13 gr. for 1 Cup / 26 gr. for 2 Cups​
Step 1: The Rinse
Boil water
Fold seam of filter and place it in the Hario V60 dripper
Place dripper over cup ​
Use water to rinse filter (and discard the water after)
Step 2: The Bloom
Place coffee grounds in filter
Slowly pour about 50ml and start the timer
Swirl the dripper, so all the coffee grounds are wet
Wait till timer hits 45 sec
Step 3: The Drip
Pour the rest of the water over the coffee
Swirl the dripper every now and then, so that the coffee grounds sink to the bottom